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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Homos are a HANDFUL

Yes!  I know that sounds dirty, it was meant to sound that way.  Homos are funny people, partly because we had to be quick witted to scare off the jocks, and all those that were a threat.  Also as Mark would say, "it keeps the stupid people away".  Homos are warm and inviting friends because we have felt the rejection of others, and would not wish that rejection on others, well except those with; bad shoes, women with mullets wearing flannel and dry weddings.

People that are what I call "Homophilic", homo-loving/accepting, feel that their "homos" are immune to life tragedies and especially life's judgement errors because they have already overcome what had to be the worst in life.  This is NOT true! My experience is that my sisters under the rainbow-not to be confused with the Rev Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition-are not any more immune to "bad judgement or self imposed tragedy/drama" than the next fraternity horrifically straight non showered beer belching jock.  I believe that HIV/AIDS made that incredibly obvious to all of us.  Whether you love or just know a homo, just know that they are prone and maybe even predisposed to life and all its tragic consequences. 

Just love your homo, they will love you back. Just be honest to your homo, they will return the favor.  Don't expect more from your homo than you expect from your favorite horrifically straight person, that way you will never be disappointed and homos will always surprise you, just ask Liza Minnelli.

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