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Thursday, April 15, 2010


I for one never understood the Karl Rove argument that two gay men or two lesbians getting marriage rights was an ATTACK ON MARRIAGE.  For years I touted Elizabeth Taylor and Britney Spears as the avengers on marriage.  My thought was if you wanted to protect marriage, just illegalize DIVORCE.  As a former adulterer I do not advocate stoning adulterers. I think stoning is messy and a lot of work, I would opt for a short stint in sexual rehab, that seems to be all the rage.

This morning I awoke to the news that the sanctity of marriage has a new attacker a virtual General Sherman marching on Atlanta, 77year old Larry "I have been married 8times" King.  Good Grief!  People this man's attack on the sanctity of marriage must be stopped at all expense.  This man makes Elizabeth  "I have been married 8times and going on my 9th" Taylor look conventional.  Larry King actually makes Rudolph "I have been married 4times-oops! the mistress in Gracie Mansion" Guiliani look like the saint at the alter.

Let's stop the nonsense and limit marriage to 3 marriages.  I figure if by the 3rd time you have not figured it out , then you should just limit yourself to one-night stands, escorts or a massages with a happy ending. Please spare your friend the indignity of another "wedding" and do the honorable thing and stay single.

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