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Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Conservative Entitlement Mentality

Everyone is familiar with the  "entitlement mentality", typically referred to in teenage children or young adults.  Our friend (Emmy award winning news reporter) Glenn is in town for the weekend and he shed some light on a different type of "entitlement mentality".  I call it entitlement mentality of the "conservative" kind, frankly I think its the worst type.  When I listen to white male blow hards, admittedly reminded of my former father-in-law, I see their. "conservative entitlement mentality".  These white men just think that they are entitled to the status quo because that is the way it should be.  It is almost like they think, "Hey I waited my turn, it's  my freaking turn to have my hand on the rudder of this great country". 

I listen to Rush Limbaugh, until my ears bleed (never more than 20 minutes) I watch Fox News until Mark comes in the room and says, "No!  Not that again".  I'm intrigued by Sarah Palin, the Liza Minnelli of the political world.  All these people have the "conservative entitlement mentality" they are so self sure that things are the way they should be BECAUSE they have (please insert-shameless reason); it's a way of life, it's God's will, it is the way of the American people, it's called pulling yourself up from your boot straps, and my personal favorite reason, "because we have fought for this freedom".  Our friend Glenn pointed out to me that all these folks were simply, "dropped from a vagina in the right place" and hence their entitlement.

I want to see I do not agree with Senator McCain, but I respect him as an American who fought, suffered and has tried to do better for his country.  Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Ann Colter, Sarah Palin, etc... not so much but I am glad they landed on their respective targets when dropped from their vagina.  The people I respect and love the most are the most caring, understanding and non-judmental people I have met, yes they happen to be called Liberals, not of the political persuation kind.  Liberals of the non-entitlement mentality kind.  These Liberals, my friends, help people, love people, accept people and know they have worked hard but have been lucky, fortunate and/or blessed.

Happy Easter!

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