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Monday, February 15, 2010

ASingle Man, Produced, Adapted for Screen and Directed by Tom Ford

Tom Ford is a genius, there I said it.  I hope he is happy too.  This movie; A Single Man is magnificient and will stand the test of time in many categories it is a CLASSIC.  I highly encourage you to see it.  If you don't like it I will give you back your money, just send the ticket stub to me.  Please don't get anything to eat or drink you don't want to miss a thing.  The movie is 1 hours 39 minutes and it will appear to be slow until the end sneeks up on you.  The movie is not slow, it is rich, the visual images are layed one on top of the other like a fashion photoshoot. Tom Ford may not have held the camera but his fingerprints are all over the lens.

A Single Man is adapted for the screen by Tom Ford, produced by Tom Ford and directed by Tom Ford.  All of these are his debute, the same Texan who was a football player, model and Creative Director for Gucci. Clearly he knows his stuff!  Did I mention he is a Texan?  He is my proof that people can reinvent themselves and yes a leopard can change his spots (if the spots want to change).

The cast is solid; Colin Firth (who looks amazing, eventhough he is British), Julianne Moore (who always looks amazing) Michael Goode and Nicholas Hoult (more on him later).  The movie is about an English professor, Colin Firth,  in Los Angeles during the Cuban Missile Crisis that tries to go on with his day after the sudden death of his partner, Michael Goode.  The best friend Charly (no I spell it with an "ie") is brilliantly played by Julianne Moore. The protanogist, Kenny played by Nicholas Hoult keeps things interesting to say the least. 

I read that Tom Ford spoke to Colin Firth about this role, and told him and I am paraphazing, " You are a gorgeous man, but you would look better if you lost 25pounds". And Tom Ford was right, Coling Firth has never looked or been better.  Apparently Julianne Moore and Tom Ford are besties, and I can see why.
The new kid on the block is Nicholas Hoult, and he is going places.  First of all the camera loves him.  He is as solid an actor as he could be as a model.

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