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Monday, February 22, 2010

Enough with the scruffy look! Enough already!

Here in Chicago most of the guys run around with what I call the scruffy face look.  Look, I understand you cannot shave everyday, but not for 3-5 days during the work week? Really?  So I want to be very specific as to who I think can carry off the scruffy face look.  Please note that you might not know everyone, but be assured that these guys can carry it off.

Scruffy Face is allowed on;
1.  Tom Ford--if you do not know him, please do not read my blog
2.  Zach Hayes--Manager of Todd Hase at the Merchandise Mart and my good friend
3.  Evan Lysacek--Vancover 2010 Gold Medal winner and the only male figure skater to make it look masculine
4.  Bradley Cooper--of the movie "Hangover" fame, and soon to be Mr. Renee Zellweger and  Zach Hayes (2) look alike
5.  Nate Berkus--Oprah and Gayle's boy toy, this pains me to admit
6. Adam Levine--lead singer for Maroon5, granted he would look great in a burlap burka
7. The hot guy in scrubs at my gym, who I refer to as Dr. McScruffy

I reserve the right to add or even delete (yes you Nate) men as I think of them or if they are nominated by people I like, respect and desire to include them in my blog.  To all those other everyone else please cop a shave especially if you are going to work.

The following white and Latino men cannot carry off the Scruffy face look, please stop doing it and just freaking shave;

1. Tom Cruise
2. Mark Anthony
3. Leonardo DiCaprio
4. Phillip Seymor Hoffman
5. Michael Buble
6. Brad Pitt
7. Emilio Estevez
8. James Garrido

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