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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"Is there a guest list I could review?", asked Romeo.

"Is there a guest list I could review?", that is what my former friend asked.  This person after being invited to our home for brunch, an invitation he solicited, asked if there was an Evite he could see.  I admit I was confused as to why he thought there was an Evite at all. My partner Mark was vocal and on point when I read him the text, as was my insightful and vertically challenged friend Dan Lias.  Dan interupted me told me where the story was going and how it would end with uncanny accuracy. Dan explained that Romeo was like Larry Bird, yes the basketball player.  Larry Bird said, in an interview years ago, that when on the court he constantly thought where the ball should be in 2-3 passes. Dan explained to me that Romeo was the gay man version of Larry Bird on the court of gay courtship.  Romeo just wanted to be invited so he could attempt to get the ball (excuse the pund) passed to him and hopefully score with Mr. Right  and/or Mr. RightNow.

Romeo after soliciting and obtaining the invitation, he confirmed his attendance, asked if he could bring something and confirmed that he would bring it. Romeo after requesting a guest list to look over and me not giving him one (it was brunch with 9 people in totality) there was no list to give and he would not know any of the other  6 guests.  Mark was very vocal, "What? A guest list? Who does he think he is Oprah? And I'd like to point out, he is not all that!".  Well Romeo did not attend the brunch, he never called, texted or emailed. Dan assures me that had I given him the names, Romeo would have Facebook=ed my friends to see if they met his standards or would peak his interest.   I guess not being able to visualize the pass caused him to pass on the brunch.

Well I can visualize the next pass now, I shall pass him along to another player.

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