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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy counts, and it counts for a lot!

This week Alexander McQueen, a 40 year old British design SUPERSTAR killed himself. The tragedy of living without him has just started for his family,  and friends.  Then for those who he inspired and  affected,  like my dear friend Handry Martinez Velasco, the tremendous void of talent and mentorship has just revealed itself. 

I have always known what I am about to write, but it amazes me that not everyone seems to know this. Why I have known this is unclear to me, the knowledge has just been instinctual.  Maybe it was because I was so unhappy as a child and young adult, maybe I am just smart in this way. 

I have always wished upon one star, the star of Happiness.  I know that if you are happy, really happy, success does not matter and by success I mean  the accolades and  million dollar bonuses.  If you are happy, really happy, health is secondary.  Yes of course success and health are great to have but they do not trump happiness.  I do not pretend to know why Mr. McQueen took his life, I just know he was not happy. I know he was successful, and filthy rich.  Happiness eluded  him whether real or perceived, organic or situational, happiness eluded him and he took his own life.

For all my friends I wish them happiness first and foremost, then good health and then success.  I wish for my children which struggle with the typical young adolescent issues, happiness first. After they are really happy, all else will come in good moderation, in stride and when they are ready to recieve it.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true !! after talking to you and reading this i understand ....I will always adore him and he will be my inspiration forever!
