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Monday, January 18, 2010

God's Work--No Lloyd Blankfein, CEO Goldman Sachs, NOT YOU!

Mr. Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs was qouted just a month ago saying he was just doing God's work as a banker and hence deserving his $43,000,000 for 2009 (no that was not a typo). I would like to say to this BLOW HARD and ARROGANT ASS that he does not do God's work. The great works attributed to God is done everyday by good people who will never see $4,000,000 or $400,000 in all their lives. 

The US troops, the Search and Rescue teams, the firefighters, the medical teams, and yes even the religious organizations, these selfless tireless and incredibly talented people are doing God's work.  I am not a religious nor spiritual man but these people, NOT Lloyd Blankfein, inspire me, and make me want to do better for my family, friends and those that have less fortunate than me.  God's hand is not seen in the disaster or the preventing of the disaster, God's hand is seen in the faces of the people who at great personal risk give of themselves for those less fortunate without a thought for themselves. 

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