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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Anderson Cooper does a 360 and becomes Geraldo Rivera

Anderson Cooper who Kathy Griffin is fond of saying, "Covered Katrina in Prada" is now in Haiti and probably in Crocs. The Hottie McJournalist Cooper is without a doubt an accomplished journalist.  I was just watching his show this evening, AC 360, and I was shocked at what I heard.  Cooper said and I qoute, "Security concerns are overblown" as it relates to securing the envoys of supplies from the airport to the points of service.  I am taken out that this hard working, successful journalist would think it is within his purview to over-reach and put in doubt the judgemnet of the professionals. I guess being a successful journalist, heir and most famous closeted gay man allows you to make these calls. Oh, if I was only an heir, I too could be as bold.


  1. I think he did a 180. Not to say he couldn't afford a 360 - he comes from a very wealthy family.

  2. What do you have - blogger's block? Let's get some fresh posts up here.
