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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"With a little help from my friends"

I have a very good friend from work, "friend from work" that never usually happens to me.  This name is Tom and he is funny, sincere, brutally honest and the smartest man I have ever met.  I remember the first time we actually spoke other than office pleasantries.  He said to me, "That Hillary Clinton is Satan I tell you" to which I snapped, "Well then that makes me a devil worshiper".  We have been good friends ever since.  He is the 2nd most supportive and encouraging person in my life and I love him dearly.  Being ever so helpful, this is his contribution to my blog;

If we're going to be inundated with the minutia of your daily life you are going to need some express way to communicate. Here are a few shortcuts to get you started:


I cut myself shaving this morning - Ouch!


Note to self - we're almost out of paper towels


Hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go


You know, stuff like that. I'll be happy to help (HTH).


Keeping in line with his spirit, TTFN !

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